Name: Dawn Ford

What is the name of your TAC project? STEAM Your Future

Number impacted? 34 girls & parents, 25 volunteers

What life-long lesson have you learned from your TAC project?

It’s okay to ask for help. I normally try to figure things out by myself and I put myself under a lot of unnecessary stress in the process. I asked for guidance from my mentors while coordinating STEAM Your Future and it made the process so much more enjoyable!

What is the most unexpected or surprising or interesting thing that happened during or as a result of your TAC journey?

How difficult it was to plan the event! I knew going in that it would be a huge time commitment, but I didn’t realize just how many moving parts there was until I presented the idea to my engineering teachers. There were a lot of long nights planning out all the details, but in the end, everything went smoothly. I’m so grateful for everyone who helped make STEAM Your Future a success.

Did you face any challenges in executing your TAC in the face of COVID-19? If so, how did you adapt to the new reality of the pandemic?

Luckily, I finished my TAC before the pandemic, but the outbreak did halt our plans to have the 2020-2021 SkillsUSA officers hold a similar event this fall.